Eaj\ began in early 1998, featuring Expired drummer Sid Lister (U308) and Babies With Rabies programmer Andrew Bearse (U-235). Later that year, their first release "Weltkrieg" was recorded and stamped into limited copies. It was the start of an eclectic mix of the famed Eaj\ mix of ambiance, house beats, and war propaganda. Then in early 1999, the first Eaj\ full length release was put out, entitled Sarin Death. This featured 8 tracks of war/horror fueled house ambiance, but was also printed in limited numbers. Then later that year, Eaj\ recorded the darkwave classic Violence Speaks Louder EP. This way only pressed to 500 copies. Eaj\ disbanded for about a year due to further progression with The Expired, but in 2000, Eaj\ regrouped and signed a three year contract under Apollyon Records. Soon after the deal was cut in early 2001, Eaj\ recorded and released a self-titled three track release under Apollyon.
U308 - drum programming
U-235 - loops, samples
Sarin Death
Violence Speaks Louder